
I am two days late (as always), but Sunday was National Cancer Survivors’ Day.  Yay, I think.  I am definitely lucky.  I get to call myself a survivor.  My cancer held at stage 3 (meaning it didn’t spread to other parts of my body, despite being present in a large… Continue reading

Knowing when to shut up

I talk to lots of ladies who are at various stages in their breast cancer journeys.   I make no secret of the fact that my mission in life now is educating anyone who will listen to me on breast cancer diagnosis, treatment, and recovery.  I have learned so much through… Continue reading

Take a ride on the Reading

Cancer takes things from you.  It has taken my inhibitions.   That happens after being felt up and stared at by more doctors, nurses, medical assistants, techs, and med students than I can count.  Hopefully they were all hospital employees.  It has taken my taste buds.  I literally cover all… Continue reading