
Just stopping by to say “Hey”.  It’s been awhile.  Most of 2019 as a matter of fact.   This year has been a year of re-tooling for me.  In August, I celebrated 4 years of being NED (“no evidence of disease”).  Coming into 2019, I had a full slate of… Continue reading

Forget about it

One of my favorite side effects is chemo brain.  It’s great.  You can’t remember anything, so there are no worries!  You won’t remember this in five minutes anyway.   And words.  What are those?  I routinely blank out in the middle of sentences and can’t remember a word I need.  It’s… Continue reading

Take a ride on the Reading

Cancer takes things from you.  It has taken my inhibitions.   That happens after being felt up and stared at by more doctors, nurses, medical assistants, techs, and med students than I can count.  Hopefully they were all hospital employees.  It has taken my taste buds.  I literally cover all… Continue reading