
I am two days late (as always), but Sunday was National Cancer Survivors’ Day.  Yay, I think.  I am definitely lucky.  I get to call myself a survivor.  My cancer held at stage 3 (meaning it didn’t spread to other parts of my body, despite being present in a large… Continue reading

Maintaining distance

Social distancing day 10,548:   Not working today, so lazing at home.   Agenda: Discussed the news with the hubs. Made menu and grocery list for next two weeks. Studying my Spanish book. Getting ready for a continuing education webcast. Gave the cat her flea treatment.   Living the dream?… Continue reading


Just stopping by to say “Hey”.  It’s been awhile.  Most of 2019 as a matter of fact.   This year has been a year of re-tooling for me.  In August, I celebrated 4 years of being NED (“no evidence of disease”).  Coming into 2019, I had a full slate of… Continue reading